Coke Oven Battery Inspections for ArcelorMittal

Project Details:

KERAMIDA was originally contracted by IDEM in November 2005 to provide random daily (365 days per year) inspections of coke oven batteries at three Indiana plants subject to 40 CFR 63 Subpart L NESHAP.  

The three coke plants included Arcelor/Mittal (Burns Harbor), Citizens Gas and Coke Utility (Indianapolis) and U.S. Steel (Gary).  KERAMIDA is working under a fourth consecutive IDEM contract for these services. The inspections are currently conducted only at the Arcelor/Mittal facility. The last battery at Citizens Gas closed in July 2007 and the last battery at U.S. Steel closed in March 2015.  

KERAMIDA currently has five U.S. EPA Method 303-certified inspectors in Indiana, the only certified inspectors in Indiana, except for a possible IDEM employee(s).  KERAMIDA also has one of nine U.S. EPA Method 303 panel members in the country.

ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor photos by: Viktor Macha,

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