Dan Engling Featured in IFW Article: “Know Your Risk for Dust Explosions”

Dan Engling, M.S., CIH, Director of Industrial Hygiene Services, was featured in the Industrial Fire World (IFW) article on Dust Hazard Analysis, “Know Your Risk for Dust Explosions.”

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In the article, Mr. Engling discusses what a Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) is and who needs one, as well as recommended mitigation measures.

“The standard requires updating the DHA every five years. But is it best practice to abide by the minimum standard?” Engling asks. “No. The best practice is to examine your operation and address changes much sooner than five years—even if the changes happen a month after you completed a DHA. You shouldn’t cruise along for another four years, 11 months until the next one.”

Read more here: www.industrialfireworld.com/611171/know-your-risk-for-dust-explosions